Keywords:Comfort Texas Historical Marker, Faltin Homestead, Kendall County Historical Marker
Photo Info
Dimensions4288 x 2848
Original file size6.29 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken2-Dec-17 16:16
Shooting Conditions
Camera modelNIKON D90
FlashNot fired, auto mode
Exposure modeAuto
Exposure prog.Unknown
ISO speedISO 200
Metering modePattern
Digital zoom1x
Faltin Homestead
Comfortbr/Kendall County, Texasbr/29 57.968' N 98 54.530' Wbr/Directions: Start at the intersection of Main Street and 7th Street. Go 150 feet north on 7th Street. The building is on the left (west) side of the br/Text: German native Theodor Georg Ludwig Goldbeck constructed the original part of this home in 1854, the same year the town of Comfort was founded. In 1856 he sold the house and his mercantile business to Friedrich August Faltin, a merchant who had recently migrated from Prussia. Additions to the residence, completed during his ownership, reflect German influences of pioneer building techniques. For over 125 years it has remained in the Faltin family.